Heating curve in heating controllers made by TECH CONTROLLERS For modern home heating with radiators, the top radiator temperature limit is 60° C. Therefore, in the case of condensing boilers and heat pumps, it is very important to ensure efficient operation of the installation at the lowest possible temperature of the CH water. A condensing boiler will not condense water vapour from flue gases if the water temperature is too high, which will significantly reduce its efficiency. Lowering the heating water return temperature is crucial for greater efficiency of the condensing boiler. For example, in a floor heating system, the supply temperature may be 28 ☌ and the return temperature 23 ° C. Underfloor heating systems, due to their specific characteristics, work efficiently at low temperatures and low-slope heating curves are appropriate for them. This is related to different nominal supply and return temperatures. Home heating systems differ and it needs to be taken into consideration while configuring the heating curve.

Heating curve and the type of heating system The greater the slope of the heating curve, the warmer the water in the heating system and the greater amount of heat is transferred to the rooms. When it gets colder outside, the controller automatically raises the CH boiler water temperature, thus preventing the rooms from cooling down. The time spent on configuration pays off in the form of higher thermal comfort and lower heating bills.

The optimum setting of the heating curve is all about maintaining the same temperature inside the building at different outside temperatures. The user's task is to choose the right curvature and alternatively move it up or down. The external temperature is marked on the horizontal axis, and the heating supply on the vertical one. The available heating curves are curved lines on a graph. In the case of a heating curve, it is done automatically thanks to the weather-based control, which adjusts the supply temperature based on the outside temperature. The prototype of the heating curve was the so-called ‘Stoker's table’, which helped determine the required supply temperature of the heating system depending on the outside temperature. This relationship is described with the use of two parameters: the slope of the curve and its level. The heating curve determines to what temperature the CH boiler is to heat the water at a given outdoor temperature.

The heating curve is the relationship between the heating system supply temperature and the outside air temperature. In this article you will find out what the heating curve is and how to set it properly. One of the most important indicators is the so-called heating curve. The user only has to introduce appropriate settings according to which individual parameters will be adjusted. Modern home heating is fully controllable.